Friday, September 10, 2010

A geek is born...

I just wanted to record that my 9 year old daughter Maddie finished the final book in the Harry Potter series last night. She said she felt sad afterwards, not because of the ending, which she said was great, rather the fact that she'd finished a series that she'd really enjoyed. I can relate to that. I always felt a little empty when I finished a good book, wondering when the next exciting novel would come along.

Oh, and she's a Doctor Who fan, starting with the last two episodes of the 10th Doctor (David Tennant), and continuing on with the new series of the 11th Doctor (Matt Smith). She even got me back into watching Doctor Who again (I'd stopped when the 6th Doctor (Colin Baker) came on the scene in 1984) and we have watched the show together religiously every Sunday evening.

A geek is born...