I've recently noticed a certain type of plant that grows wild in places along the embankment of the railway line on which I travel to and from work. It's a strange plant and I do not know its name. Its long leaves grow and curl into such positions to suggest that it is animated. I can imagine those leaves flailing around, searching for food, and then closing on a hapless bird or small animal that has wandered too close.
John Wyndham has a lot to answer for.

The specimens in the photo above are about 3 metres (10 feet) in width. I'm always on the lookout for things to inspire me for miniature scratch-building projects. These plants look suitably alien and I could imagine them as perfect terrain for some futuristic miniature tabletop skirmish game.
It looks like a Century Plant, a type of Agave.
Hi Scrabblette!
It looks like you are indeed correct. I've checked out the Century Plant pictures and it appears to be a perfect match. They're originally from Mexico and I was surprised to find that they make Mezcal from them. Thanks very much for identifying them for me. Cheers, Wayne.
I've seen a lot of them in flower around QLD lately, which is quite a rare thing. The photo in the article below is quite amazing, and with a reference to the Triffids even :)
Wow! Now that's a monster-sized plant! I'm going to be on the lookout for flowering Agaves now. Cheers, Wayne.
Sadly, although it is a very useful plant in medicine, it is considered a weed and an invasive and poisonous naturalised plant in SE Queensland and the government advocates the planting of Native Ginger as an alternative.
Hi Wayne,
Spotted tons of them in flower on top of Kangaroo Point Cliffs today and thought of you. There are some photos on my FB site.
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