I was looking after the kids today while my wife was working. Maddie has been bugging me to play
HeroScape for a while now so we decided that today would be the day. Coincidentally it's been just about one year to the week since we last played. Also coincidentally I faced the same opponents across the table the last time we played; my 9 year old daughter Maddie and family friend 9 year old Jackson. They beat me last time but would I have my revenge this time?
My opponents - Maddie & Jackson
Maddie organised their armies the previous evening. We had decided on armies with a maximum point value of 600. She took Raelin the Kyrie Warrior, Kelda the Kyrie Warrior, Jorhdawn, Chardris, Warriors of Ashra and Fyorlag Spiders x4 (600 points). Jackson's army consisted of Charos, Sonlen, Ulginesh and Venoc Vipers x2 (600 points). I was very impressed with her army creation skills.
I ran two armies. The first consisted of Tor-Kul-Na, Ne-Gok-Sa, Grok Riders, Marro Drudge x2 and Marrden Nagrubs x2 (600 points). My second army was made up of Taelord the Kyrie Warrior, Deathwalker 8000, Krug & Mimring (580 points).
Each army had an artifact glyph sitting on its base line. Victory would be achieved by either of two ways. Either totally wipe out the opposing army, or grab the opponents glyph and throw it into the well in the middle of the raised tower in the centre of the board. The first team to achieve either of these objectives would be declared the winner.
The view from my side at the start
The view from my opponents' side at the start
My strategy was to get Deathwalker 8000 to the top of the central tower and snipe the enemy. As they focused on the threat in the centre I would use my fast moving Grok Riders and Marrden Nagrubs to race down the flanks to threaten their artifact. Meanwhile my heavy hitters like Tor-Kul-Na and Krug would move down the sides for support while I left Mimring the dragon guarding my own artifact.
This strategy worked fairly well and Deathwalker 8000 was able to pick off several enemy. His downfall came when the mighty dragon Charos flew to the top of the tower and destroyed him a few turns later. The fighting was fierce and due to my fast moving attacks the battles were all on my opponents' side of the board. During the entire game they never did make it on to my side.
There were many ferocious battles. Brave warriors fell on both sides. At one point one of my Marrden Nagrubs grabbed my opponents' artifact and headed back to the central tower. The fighting was fierce but in the end I prevailed and totally destroyed both their armies.
Krug and Taelord attack the two Elven Mages, Jorhdawn and Chardris
I have to say I didn't pull any punches and was playing to win. However, every turn I gave Maddie and Jackson advice on their options and tips on tactics. I wanted them to learn the game as well as give me a challenge. When I gave them options and explained the tactics they invariably chose the best moves. After a while I didn't have to tell them to look for terrain height advantage or remember to use their character's special abilities or any other tips. In the end they were conspiring and even asked me to leave the room on occasions so they could assess the battlefield and make plans.
It was a great game and we all had fun. They even helped me pack everything away...with a little persuasion.