Sunday, September 02, 2007

Father's Day

We had a barbecue breakfast on the back deck this morning. The weather was great; clear skies with a cool morning leading into a warm day. The girls had made some Father's Day crafts at day care and school so they were eager to give them to me. I'll stick them up at work on my workstation. I was also excited to receive the 3rd season of Deadwood on DVD from Deb. I've seen the first two seasons of this brilliant TV series so can't wait to watch the 3rd season.

Maddie had found a recipe for fruit kebabs the other day and spent yesterday afternoon making them with a little help from Mummy. They had grapes, strawberries, kiwi fruit, marshmellows and banana on the wooden skewers. The girls also decided to cover them in chocolate before leaving them in the fridge overnight. We had them after breakfast - delicious!

Mmmm....chocolate-covered fruit kebabs!

After breakfast we drove to the Ferny Grove markets and walked around looking at the stalls. We arrived about 11.00am so by that time the stalls were fairly picked through. No matter.

Back home for a cup of tea and a read of the Sunday papers. We put Georgia to sleep in her cot and then Deb and Maddie decided to go rollerskating while I took the opportunity to have a nap. Three hours later I awoke when Georgia had awakened and started crying. Wow! Having the opportunity to sleep during the day is one of the things I've missed most since having children. What a pleasure it was to catch up on some sleep.

All in all a nice day.

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