Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Beware the Roos

My wife and I recently celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary (and 15th meeting anniversary - we were married 5 years later on the same date we met). As a special treat we went away for the weekend, just the two of us, having organised for the kids to be looked after by their Nanny & Pop.

Our destination was Toowoomba, a city 135km west of where I live in Brisbane on the east coast of Australia. We had fond memories of Toowoomba as it was one of the first places we visited together as a couple when we first started dating.

It is currently winter here in the southern hemisphere, and seeing as we both enjoy cold weather, we were looking forward to visiting this chilly city which sits on the crest of the Great Dividing Range, around 700m (2,300 ft) above sea level. Another reason for me was the opportunity to locate the graves of some of my ancestors who lived in this area in the late 1800's (more on that later).

I thought I'd just quickly share a couple of photos I took of the countryside and in particular some road signs that are peculiar just to Australia.

Kangaroos (or Roos) can be a hazard on Australian roads.

Roos mostly sleep during the day but are more active around dusk and at night (which are the danger times for hitting them on the roads)

1 comment:

Fraser Anderson said...

we have similar problems with moose back home.

Of course if you hit a moose, your car (and you) are usually not in such great shape.

car hoods tend to hit them right in the legs, catapulting the big heavy part right through the windscreen.
