Wednesday, July 02, 2008

In With The New!

Well, as my post yesterday revealed, I've recently sold off part of my games collection. Not only has this left gaps in my game shelves, it's also provided funds to refill those gaps!

Below is a list of games that I've had I my want-list for ages. I've now been able to buy these games over the last couple of months. As you can see, I've been able to complete the missing parts of the collection of my favourite wargame system - Command & Colors by Richard Borg. I guess you can now call me a C&C completist.

BattleLore ($68.00 MilSims sale)
BattleLore Goblin Marauders ($19.20 MilSims sale)
BattleLore Goblin Skirmishers ($24.00 MilSims sale)
BattleLore Scottish Wars ($37.50 eBay inc postage)
BattleLore Dwarf Battalion ($24.00 MilSims sale)
BattleLore 100 Years War ($32.50 eBay inc postage)

Memoir '44 Air Pack ($56.00 MilSims sale)

Command and Colors: Ancients 2nd Printing ($56.00 MilSims sale)
Command and Colors: Ancients Expansion 1 ($56.00 MilSims sale)
Command and Colors: Ancients Expansion 2 ($56.00 MilSims sale)
Command and Colors: Ancients Expansion 3 ($36.00 MilSims sale)

Total cost - $409.20

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