Sunday, September 07, 2008

Father's Day

It was Father's Day on Sunday. We decided to drive out to Scarborough on the Redcliffe peninsula for lunch in the park. I spent my childhood and teens living at Redcliffe so I'm very familiar with the location. Of interest is that Redcliffe holds the distinction of being the first European settlement in the state of Queensland.

Our first stop was the Scarborough boat harbour where we met my father and step-mother (Poppy and Nanny to our kids). We found a nice spot under a tree in the park just opposite Morgan's Seafood to set out some picnic blankets.

Maddie and Georgia playing in the park

And it was to Morgans that we went for a lovely take away lunch of fish and chips and a kilo of prawns. I had a particularly scrumptious piece of barramundi with my chips.

Georgia in the park

After lunch we drove a short distance to another park on the foreshore of Moreton Bay. We'd brought a kite with us as I'd wanted to show Maddie how to fly it.

This area was very popular for recreational water activities.

A couple on their surf skis

A small yacht

A quartet of jet skis

In the distance, across the bay, we could see the famous Glasshouse Mountains. These mountains are actually the hardened lava cores of ancient volcanoes and were formed 26-27 million years ago. Of interest is that the famed Australia Zoo of the extinct Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin is located nearby.

The Glasshouse Mountains in the distance

A closer view of the Glasshouse mountains

There was a nice sea breeze blowing and it was easy to get the kite up into the air. I haven't flown a kite for many, many years and I'd forgotten what a joy it was. I handed over the controls to Maddie and she had no trouble keeping it aloft.

Maddie flying the kite

Poppy and Maddie watching the kite

It was such a simple pleasure being outside on a beautiful afternoon, with the sea air and flying a kite. I got such a kick out of it that I've promised the girls I'll take them down to our local park to do some more kite flying next weekend if the weather is fine.

What a great day.

Our kite soaring majestically in the breeze


Ken Lee said...

I remember going to Redcliffe on sunny weekends to eat at Morgan's. It was one of my favourite activities while I was still in Brisbane.

I brought my parents there when they came for my uni graduation, and they loved it as well.

Ozvortex said...

Hi Ken. Glad you got the opportunity to experience Morgans when you were in Brissie. Cheers, Wayne.
