Thursday, March 15, 2007

My Wife Beats Me

A sad man walks into a bar, and the bartender asks him what the problem is.
"My life is awful," the man says. "Every night, I play Lost Cities with my wife, and every night she beats me."
"Well, why don't you just stop playing Lost Cities?" the bartender asks.
"I love the game," the man says. "I'm brilliant. I never lose."
The bartender is confused. "I thought you just said your wife beats you."
"Well," the man says, "she's a sore loser."

1 comment:

Friendless said...

Scrabblette plays games in a similarly tactile way. Whenever I reveal some masterful treachery, such as a big ambush I pulled off in Kahuna the other evening, I fear for my life.
