Thursday, March 01, 2007

A New BattleLore Opponent?

I met Andy a couple of years ago on my morning train trip to work. He was reading a Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) manual and we struck up a conversation. Andy plays D&D and is also into historical re-enactments. As we are on the same train line, we bump into each other occasionally, maybe once every month or so. We usually discuss D&D and I find it's a great opportunity to reminisce about my own D&D adventures many years ago. Andy had invited me to join a D&D campaign he was involved in but I had declined as I felt I could not commit myself due to family responsibilities.

I hadn't seen Andy for a couple of months, but I did catch up with him on the train trip into work on Monday. I mentioned this new boardgame I'd bought, BattleLore, how much I enjoyed it, and that I was looking for people to play against. I offered to teach him the game and we organised to get together on Friday night. I'm really looking forward to it as I've had the game since Xmas but have only had the opportunity to play once against Friendless. And the great thing is Andy lives only about a 5 minute drive from my place.

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