Sunday, May 04, 2008

First Australian Math Trade

Recently, a fellow Australian BoardGameGeek user, sbszine, organised a boardgame math trade. There have been some localised Australian math trades before, but this was the first national math trade open to any BGG user residing in Australia. He also organised the first national (that I'm aware of) New Zealand math trade at the same time.

So what's a math trade? A math trade is boardgame trade between a whole bunch of people at the same time, using an algorithm to decide who should send their game to whom. Because of the algorithm used, you can only get a game you prefer over what you started with. The worst that can happen is that you may just keep your original game.

Here is a link to the Geeklist listing all the games users have put up for trade. 51 Australian BGG users signed up and there are well over 600 games up for trade (576 entries but there are lots of multiple game lots).

I've put some of my games up for trade. As I've never participated in a math trade before I'm not too sure of what to expect. I'm not overly positive of getting what I want though. I'll post again when I hear the results.

The games I've listed. Dross - or not? Who knows, someone may be interested...

Worst case scenario is that after the math trade my remaining games will get listed on eBay and I'll use the cash to buy the games I want.

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