Monday, January 15, 2007

My First Trade

One of the cool features of the BoardGameGeek site is that it allows registered users to create a profile page and list and rate the games they own. Another feature is that you can identify which games you own that you would like to trade. I've recently listed a number of games I have for trade but have never actually done a trade - until today.

Friendless, an occasional gaming opponent of mine, has also recently put up a whole bunch of games for trade. I noticed his blog entry of 14 January 2007 had a link to his games for trade at his BoardGameGeek site so I had a look. I'm always on the lookout for games to play with my kids so when I saw that he had Chairs for trade I offered him a couple of games I was no longer interested in.

I agreed to trade him My Word and Word Tower for his Chairs. The trade couldn't have been easier as Friendless only works a block away from me in the city. Trading with someone local certainly saves the added time and expense of having to post your item.

Chairs is a stacking game where the pieces are miniature plastic chairs. One chair is placed on the table, then players take turns balancing chairs on the stack. I was pleasantly surprised to find my wife and elder daughter quite interested when I brought it home. My wife was that keen that she sat at the dining room table playing the game solo until she'd stacked all 24 chairs on top of each other. I look forward to trying the multi-player rules with her and our 5-year-old daughter.

Here's a pic of my wife's 24-chair stack balanced on only 1 chair at the bottom.

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