Sunday, February 28, 2010

A good stripper is hard to find...

...a good paint stripper that is.

I've been searching for a good paint stripper that won't harm either plastic or metal miniatures. The word on the Internet is that Simple Green all-purpose cleaner is one of the best. The best thing is that it's also non-toxic and biodegradable.

I've looked in my local supermarkets and hardware stores over the last few months but couldn't find it. I then found a thread on a miniature painting forum that explained it could only be found in Australia at mega-hardware store Bunnings Warehouse. So a quick trip to my local Bunnings store this afternoon and I found it in the cleaning products aisle.

AU$9.47 for a 650ml (22 fl oz) bottle. I'm keen to see if it works as good as it is supposed to. I'll report back in a week or two.


Michael S/Chgowiz said...

Pine sol works well too. Both seem to be roughly equivalent.

Tim said...

I'm keen to see the results of this too. Can it live up to the hype?